Sirius Sport
Badminton research

50 54 39 08

Yonex Nanogy 99

Yonex Nanogy 99 is a good performing and durable string with a rough outer coating. According to Yonex’ own rating it has excellent repulsion and control. The Nanogy 99 is among the thicker strings with its 0.69 mm gauge.

Manufacturer data
Name and Country
Company Name Yonex (Japan)
Yonex Nanogy 99 badminton string
Full String Name Nanogy 99
Short String Name NBG 99
Item Code NBG99 (set), NBG-2 (reel)
Intro Year Unknown
Manufacturing Country Japan
Gauge 0.69 mm
Type Multifilament
Feeling Medium
Main Characteristic Control
Technologies Multifilament, Hydro Titanium
Material, Core High-intensity nylon multifilament
Material, Outer High polymer nylon rough braided fiber
Description YONEX original rough braided fibre and a special nylon coating provide maximum bite on the shuttle for enhanced hairpin net shots and cuts.
Packaging Set: 10 m, Reel: 200 m
Manufacturer's ratings

Repulsion Power




Hitting Sound


Shock Absorbtion




Manufacturer specifications

Short Name NBG 99
Gauge 0.69 mm
Type Multifilament
Feeling Medium
Main Characteristic Control
Technologies Multifilament, Hydro Titanium
Materiale, core High-intensity nylon multifilament
Materiale, outer High polymer nylon rough braided fiber
Description YONEX original rough braided fibre and a special nylon coating provide maximum bite on the shuttle for enhanced hairpin net shots and cuts.
Item Code NBG99 (set), NBG99-2 (reel)
Packaging Set: 10 m, Reel: 200 m

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